Finance Directorate (FD)

The Directorate ensures that there is proper financial management and administration at the PSRS in line with the PFM Act 2016, Act 921 and Regulations, 2019. It leads the administration of Treasury Management and Accounts Preparation at the PSRS. The Finance Directorate also safeguards the interest of the PSRS in all financial transactions relating to revenue and expenditure. It further ensures the practice of proper and accountable administration. It also gives advice on all financial matters relating to the PSRS.
The Directorate comprises of the following:-
- Accounts Unit: The Unit liaises with the Ministry of Finance and the Controller and Accountant-General’s Department (CAGD) to facilitate the release of funds and authorization for disbursement. It also provides technical backstopping in the preparation of the Annual Budget of the PSRS and Budget Hearings with the Ministry of Finance. In addition, it prepares mandatory financial reports.
- Treasury Unit: Examines and verifies the authenticity and accuracy of payment vouchers before authorizing for payment.
- Resource Mobilization Unit: The unit is responsible for facilitating the process for sourcing funds from development partners and other stakeholders for implementing programmes and projects of the PSRS.
- Internal Audit Unit: The IAU reviews all internal control systems put in place by Management of the Secretariat and advice on its effectiveness. The Unit ascertains whether Management has instituted systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance and issued report thereon. The IAU also provides the following services:
- Assurance services to the Secretariat.
- Review of policy documents, contracts and advice on them.
- Consultancy Services to Management at every level.
- Carrying out special audits, risk assessment and issue reports for Management attention.
- Monitoring and coordinating Internal Audit Units of the Secretariat.